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Compiling VSDK samples with Conan

To simplify its C++ development, Vivoka works with the Conan package manager. You can find its official documentation here.

Install Conan

Conan is made with Python 3, so:

  1. To install Python 3 you can either use your package manager (Linux) or download it (Windows). You may need to add paths to the environment depending on how you install it.

  2. Then, use [sudo] pip install "conan<2.0". If you have any trouble, please follow the official tutorial.

  3. Make sure its version is >= 1.40.3 by running conan --version. If it's not, please run [sudo] pip install -U "conan<2.0".

If you ever get an error like [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has expired, that means your version is outdated!

Configure Conan

We have a custom Conan server at Vivoka to deliver our SDK and its dependencies. To configure it you need to register the remote server with the following commands:

$ conan profile new default --detect
$ conan remote add vivoka-customer
$ conan config set general.revisions_enabled=1

Please double check that your PDF reader didn't remove any characters like spaces or hyphens during copy. Also if that last step triggers errors please have a look at this.

Now let's add your user and password (those are the ones you used to access your VDK download):

$ conan user <username> -r vivoka-customer -p
Please enter your password: <password>

You can set the password in the CONAN_PASSWORD_VIVOKA_CUSTOMER environment variable if you want to avoid inputting it regularly.


Most likely Conan will emit a warning about the version of your libstdc++, so run this command:

$ conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default


VDK 4 supports MSVC 15 and 16. To be sure that Conan detected a compatible version, print it:

$ conan profile get settings.compiler.version default

Install CMake

This is our build system, version >= 3.13 is needed. You can either get it via package manager, installer, or use Conan.

Installing CMake from package manager

This is mainly for Unix distributions as Windows has no official package manager:

# Debian/Ubuntu Distributions
$ sudo apt install cmake

# Fedora Distribution
$ sudo dnf install cmake

Installing CMake in Windows

  1. Download from here.

  2. (Windows): Extract in C:\CPP\cmake.

  3. (Windows): Add C:\CPP\cmake\bin to your PATH.

Installing CMake using conan

This method is the less obtrusive way but will not add the binaries to your PATH by default!

Edit your default conan profile (located in ~/.conan/profiles or %userprofile%\.conan\profiles`) and under [build_requires], add cmake/[~3.21]:


Compile samples

Go to the root of the sample and execute these commands:

# First install the dependencies, copy DLLs, etc
$ conan install . -if build -b missing

# Build the program
$ conan build . -bf build

Execute samples


$ . ./build/ # this temporarily exports LD_LIBRARY_PATH for you
$ ./build/bin/<executable>
$ . ./build/ # unexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Windows using cmd.exe

$ .\build\activate_run.bat
$ .\build\bin\<executable>.exe
$ .\build\deactivate_run.bat

Windows using PowerShell

$ .\build\activate_run.ps1
$ .\build\bin\<executable>.exe
$ .\build\deactivate_run.ps1

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